Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 238 of 365 days

Love my treasure from La Grange TX. An antique pillow in one of my favorite designs On the back of this pillow is a grey basket. Wish I could sees the whole quilt. The pieces are sewed by hand. The handle is sewed down by machine.


  1. Love the pillow!!! Love the bowl in the window! and Love the chair cover!!

  2. I also love this design, what a beautiful pillow! Gorgeous bowl and I also love the chair cover you made. Please take a picture of the grey basket?

  3. Lovely setting - gorgeous pillow... just love those blues.

  4. Natuurlijk vind ik hem leuk (blauw hé) weet je ook hoe oud het kussen is?

  5. Love the souvenir. I wonder what the whole quilt looked like too. Lovely picture.
